@article{oai:shizusan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001995, author = {松永, 由弥子 and マツナガ, ユミコ and 角替, 弘規 and ツノガエ, ヒロキ and MATSUNAGA, Yumiko and Tsunogae, Hiroki}, issue = {2}, journal = {スポーツと人間 静岡産業大学論集, Sports and human beings}, month = {Feb}, note = {The purpose of this paper is to examine the potential for social education to achieve social inclusion in response to the divisions in contemporary Japanese society. The expansion of COVID-19 has revealed various disparities and divisions in Japanese society, but this is merely a manifestation of the vulnerabilities that Japanese society has long harbored. There are many issues that need to be resolved, such as the wage gap between men and women and the increase in the number of children who are not attending school. Social education has the potential to fully address these issues. The Shizuoka Voluntary Evening Class is steadily working on what it can do on a volunteer basis, even though it faces a number of challenges. By viewing isolation as a "situation" that can happen to you, and by providing free, experiential, individualized learning opportunities in social education, it is hoped that a lifelong learning society will be built in which people can recognize and learn from each other.  本稿の目的は、現代の日本社会における分断に対して、社会教育が社会的包摂を実現する可能性 を検討することにある。COVID-19の拡大は日本社会の様々な格差と分断の状況を明らかにしたが、 それは日本社会が以前から抱えていた脆弱性が顕在化したに過ぎない。男女の賃金格差や不登校児 童生徒の増加など解決すべき課題は多い。こうした課題に社会教育は十分対応し得る可能性があ る。しずおか自主夜間教室では、いくつか課題を抱えながらも、ボランティアベースで可能なこと に着実に取り組んでいる。孤立を自分にも起こり得る「状況」ととらえて、社会教育の自由かつ体 験的で1人1人に応じた学び合いの提供により、お互いに認め合い学び合う生涯学習社会の構築が 期待される。}, pages = {57--66}, title = {社会教育による社会的包摂の実現可能性}, volume = {7}, year = {2023} }